About Me

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Edward Bernays would dig me. Seasoned public relations strategist (10+ years in the game) who has practiced PR in multiple cities: Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago & DC. I'm an observationist and a soon to be card carrying member of the Twitterati. I love comfortable silences, revel in the Seinfeldian absurdities of life and have been described as a habitual line stepper. These are my thoughts...

Monday, June 3, 2013

A PR Pro’s Pledge

Recently, I was partaking in the smorgasbord of industry content that PR Daily offers and I came across an entry that captured my attention – “Sign the PR Pro’s Pledge.”

The piece was straightforward and honest about what we as public relations professionals need to do in order to maintain our personal credibility as well as the credibility of our craft.

So after reading the case that was laid out by the author, I decided to make a public commitment and take the pledge. And as the author of the pledge urges, “If enough of us sign this, and share it with each other, and more importantly, share it with clients and bosses, we may have a real chance at success, whether that success is for our clients, or our own reputations.”

So united we must stand against bad PR and the people who champion it.

The PR Pro’s Pledge

I, L.A. Jones, being of sound and strategic PR mind, hereby swear before all my PR and journalism colleagues, to abide by the following rules for best practice public relations. Should I violate any of the rules contained herein, let me be shamed in a public forum of my peers, with nary a media call returned to me, so long as I shall practice PR:

1. I will not spam journalists by sending multiple journalists the same, generic release or pitch in the same email or in separate emails.

2. If I have to send a generic release or pitch because time is tight or there’s a gun to my head, I will at least hide all the addresses in the BCC line or send them separately with a personalized salutation.

3. I will not call a journalist on deadline to see if they got my email.

4. I will not try to pitch a journalist a story after the journalist has become a victim of an email blast where all other media outlets were visible in the email “to” line.

5. I will not turn off my cell phone after sending a release or pitch on a Friday about a weekend event.

6. I will not pitch a story about a client or boss receiving an award, unless my client or boss is an A-list celebrity, a high-ranking authority, or a truly remarkable individual.

7. I will not pitch a story that is not news to anyone but my client or boss.

8. I will not lie, stretch the truth, or even white wash information to make my client or boss appear better than they are.

9. I will not purposefully hide information from, or circumnavigate questions asked by the media.

10. I will not buy advertising with a media outlet in attempt to garner more coverage for my boss or client. I won’t even suggest it as a strategy.

11. I will not pitch a journalist that I am not positive covers the topic I am pitching.


           L.A. Jones

Monday, April 15, 2013

Why Ask Why?

The word consists of only three simple letters, but it’s packed with so much relevance and impact – why?

It’s the question every PR pro must ask himself, a client, or an organizational leader at some point in their career, if not daily – why?

Why is the question that sets us to purpose and assigns meaning to our actions, as in why are we doing this?

You were probably first introduced to “why” early on in your professional PR career, back when you drafted that first event media alert. You remember the one that started with a brief intro summary of the event and continued with the following standardized questions and answers (also known as the 5 W’s): who, what, when, where and…why?

It was always the why in that alert that closed the deal enticing a targeted media outlet to attend and cover it (Why do I need to know this? Or, why should I come to your event?)

Over the years, the question of why has increased in its importance, particularly as a determining factor during the internal dialogue that precedes a PR/communication action. If that preceding dialogue is not taking place, then that’s a problem and a topic for a future blog post. But back to the why that does happen during that internal discussion. An executive comes to you and urges that a press release be drafted and distributed.

Before the draft of that release begins, a thoughtful PR pro would assess the objective and ask why is it necessary that we issue this as a news release? Why not explore another way to get our message across as in a media pitch or social media communication. Or why do we think a reporter would be interested in receiving this when there is limited news value?

Asking why also indicates intellectual curiosity and drives the discussion. This is the question that smart people have to ask. And in some situations you have to be the one to say or ask why not? Someone on the team suggests organizing a clever flash mob in front of the NBC studio and another person on the team asks why we should do this. Maybe you’re the one saying why not, before assessing the potential ROI, pitfalls and probability of success.

By asking the why question on the front end, particularly during the concept and/or deliberation stage, it could save you and your employer time, effort, finances and exposure to disappointment. Nothing smarts more than the failure to reach a goal, or worse the failure to identify what the goals are in the first place because no one had the common sense to ask a simple three lettered word – why?

Now, why are you just sitting there and not leaving a comment about this blog post? Feel free to share an example of a time when you asked “why” and thwarted a PR disaster or helped to strengthen a communications objective.

This is a PR situation!